Alan Martin Ramirez Quijano

Cancun, Quintana Roo · 28 years · (998) 428-8349 ·

I'm a Python Developer. My experience and skills are backend oriented (although I know little frontend as well). I've developed APIs using Flask and Django as well as integrations. I've used serverless technologies like Lambda, SQS, S3, etc. and deployed applications using technologies such as AWS SAM, Zappa, Serverless Framework and Terraform as well as in monolithic servers. I also love to automate workflows using Python. Last but not least, I also have experience using databases such as MySQL, Postgres, sqlite and MongoDB.


Sr. Software Engineer

Design, write, test, deploy and maintain integrations, APIs, websites, infraestructure among other services using Flask, Django or even pure Python utilizing AWS as the main infra provider. Make approximations for deadlines. Take requirements from clients and stakeholders. Lead the development of a product lifecycle.

October 2020 - Present



Develop software used for the business to facilitate workflows. Maintain and update the codebase of the company. Deploy software and manage servers and serverless environments via AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda, along with the needed infrastructure such as RDBS. Obtain client requirements (internal) and develop projects. Develop application front and backend. Create the necessary APIs for the development of said applications. Deploy already-made services for internal users such as Nextcloud or Rocket.Chat.

September 2018 - October 2020

Intern Development and IT

Universidad Tecnológica de Cancun (UT CANCUN)

Create solutions for the university's users. Technical support, tickets and user support being the main tasks.

July 2018 - September 2018


Universidad del Caribe

Engineering in Computer Communications
Programming - Computer Science
August 2014 - April 2016(not finished)


Programming Languages & Tools
Other Skills
  • English: 90%, Spanish: Native
  • Python packages: Pandas+Numpy, Matplotlib, Flask, Django, Weasyprint, Zappa, requests, typing, Selenium, pytest
  • Values: Responsibility, loyalty, teamwork, integrity, desire to work and learn.
  • Others: Linux, Sublime Text 3, AWS Lambda, AWS Gateway, AWS S3, AWS EC2, AWS RDBS

Interests and hobbies

I spend my time researching web articles, watch series or documentals and spend quality time with my wife and family.

I also research new technologies that are related to my career and my learning process. All the time trying to learn new things.


Capacítate para el empleo | Fundación Carlos Slim
  • Curator & Database Administrator
  • Front & back-end
  • Programmer(Object Oriented)
  • Server Administration